As a coach


As a facilitator:

Blue Chip Consulting Firm:

Worked with the 30 partners to define a Vision for the Division. This involved running a workshop with the partners initially to gain a common view of how the Division should engage with the wider firm and to develop an initial view of the Division’s vision.  In parallel to this 15 focus groups were conducted in London and Manchester for the staff to identify what they thought  the Division did well and those things it did less well.  These were used as inputs to a second Partner workshop which refined the vision and identified several work streams that would address the areas identified by the staff. Further workshops were run with both Directors and partners to flesh out the work streams and develop implementation plans.

North Sea Oil Company:

Worked with their Operations and Engineering centre in Aberdeen on a culture change initiative.  This involved clarifying individual roles and team purposes, aligning working practices and coaching individuals in the required behavioural changes.  Established a community of Change Champions and Facilitators to support the culture change initiatives.

National Broadcaster:

Designed and facilitated Team Building session for the Future Media & Technology Senior Management Team developing their way of working and governance structure.

Government Adviser For The Natural Environment:

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